[composer not identified] [composer]Sheet Music Collection - York University.2020-01-222020-01-22date of puhttps://ocul-yor.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01OCUL_YOR/1bn3h4b/alma991029258609705164http://hdl.handle.net/10315/36941Gift of Dr. Mary Jane Esplen.G [key]Piano vocal [instrumentation]Popular song [form/genre]There lives one a noble lover [first line]My own Italian Daughter [first line of chorus]Publisher's advertisement on back cover [note]Photo of woman infront of Mendelssohn piano (photograph) [illustration]2 pages of music ; 33 X 25 cm.enThe GondolierCompliments of the Mendelssohn Piano CoSheet Music2019-11-11