YU Experience HubMaguire, BrittanyWinningham, Kathleen2020-09-232020-09-232020-09This video, authored by the YU Experience Hub, York University, is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical 4.0 International license, except where noted. If you reuse this work, please attribute YU Experience Hub, York University and include a link to yorku.ca/yuexperiencehttp://hdl.handle.net/10315/37827Whether in the classroom, out in the community, or at work, York offers Experiential Education opportunities in a wide variety of environments. The COVID 19 pandemic has created innovative opportunities that allow York University students to engage in community focused EE remotely. For more information on Experiential Education at York University, please visit: https://www.yorku.ca/yuexperience/enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalCommunity Focused Experiential EducationRemote Experiential EducationExperiential EducationCommunity Focused Experiential Education at York University – Going Remote!Video