Lyons, JenniferCappadocia, M. CatherineWeiss, Jonathan2017-04-102017-04-102011Lyons, J., Cappadocia, M. C., & Weiss, J. A. (2011). Social characteristics of students with autism spectrum disorders across various classroom settings. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 17(1), 77-82. Characteristics of Students with autism spectrum disorders across Classroom Settings The current study examined the differences in social characteristics between students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) primarily educated in full inclusion and non full inclusion classrooms. One hundred and forty six parents of children with ASD completed a questionnaire regarding the social experiences of their child. Results indicate that after controlling for severity of disability and age, higher social competence was related to placement in full inclusion classrooms. Regression analyses indicate that ASD severity predicted social competence and quality of friendships, and age and problem behaviour predicted the number of friends outside school. Implications for future studies are discussed.enReprinted with permission from the Journal on Developmental Disabilities, year, vol. 17, no. 1, pages 77-82.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canadaautism spectrum disordersocial developmentfriendshipsclassroomSocial Characteristics of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Across Classroom SettingsArticle