Wilson, Mark E.2015-08-282015-08-282015-02-272015-08-28http://hdl.handle.net/10315/30026Abstract This thesis contains research on my artistic challenge to find deeper connectivity through full-body resonant listening as an actor in Joan Littlewood’s play Oh What a Lovely War. It documents my research on my mind/body artistic practice, Joan Littlewood, Mindfulness, The Great War, Charlie Chaplin, corporal resonance, and the further development of my visceral approach to theatre. Selected journal entries demonstrate the application of my research in rehearsals and performances. They reflect my practices, processes, observations, and applications (successful and unsuccessful) during my research. My anticipated outcome is the attainment of full-body listening and a deeper connection with others and my immediate environment. After a detailed investigation of my artistic challenge in multiple applications, I was able to achieve a state of what I refer to as a porous presence and availability. I believe I was successful in finding deeper attunement and connection when listening with resonant full-body awareness.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.TheaterPerforming artsFinding Deeper Connectivity Through Full-Body Resonant Listening in Joan Littlewood's "Oh What a Lovely War"Electronic Thesis or Dissertation2015-08-28ListeningResonanceFull-body listeningPorous listeningConnectivityActor listeningBeing present onstageListening onstageConnecting onstageFull-body engagement onstageFully engaged actorActor heart brain body connectionThree-dimensional listeningMindful actingThe mindful actorAlexander connectionAlexander Technique and Mindfulness in rehearsalAlexander and Minfulness onstageImagery and breath360 degree listeningResonance with your immediate environmentFull-body resonance