Yates, Kevin M.2015-08-282015-08-282015-03-302015-08-28http://hdl.handle.net/10315/30097This paper accompanies the key manifestation of my research at York University: the solo thesis exhibition entitled, Nice to ‘Meet’ You, installed at Gales Gallery from March 30th to April 3rd, 2015. My research explores how we interact through social media and online platforms, and the desire to make a connection with one another. Through a contextualization of my studio practice this paper provides an overview of my thesis exhibition and addresses how my work is a reflection on how we interact online when seeking out an intimate connection. What remains as a relational artifact when correspondence is broken? What is the ongoing story after ‘delete’? Is it ever truly over?enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Fine artsCommunicationTechnical communicationNice to "Meet" YouElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2015-08-28Fine artsVisual artsArtSculptureInstallationPhotographyMixed mediaRepetitionSocial mediaCommunicationRelationshipsOnlineOfflineVirtualSocial mediaDatingGayHomosexualApplicationsHook-upExhibitionArtifactDigitalInteractionCourtshipTechnologyTechnical communicationSocialInternetLanguageWordsLettersResonanceLingerFelix Gonzalez-TorresRachel WhitereadMicah LexierAnn HamiltonAntony GormleyRemnantsBoom or bustCorrespondenceAffectAffect theoryKenneth GoldsmithGeosocialJoanna MizgalaJim MacnamaraSherry TurklePeter SchwengerMartha BuskirkMarina AbramovicVirginia VitzthumAaron Ben-ZeevJan van Dijk