Freedman, Jeff2011-01-072011-01-071976-11-01 McPherson, Al. (1976). 'Afters' thrills all at Seneca. Pro Tem. [attached]. 2. Melvin, David. (1976). 'Afters': a note on the preview. Pro Tem. 3. Wilde, Kimberly. (1976). The 'Afters' effects. Pro Tem. 4. Williams, Rob. (1976, September). Before and Afters... auditions soon. Pro Tem. 5. Kelly, Michelle. (1976, November 25). Interview with JF & BJ: what comes after? Pro Tem.Archival file for the Glendon College production of Afters, written by Jeff Freedman. The play was performed in November, 1976.enAfters (1976)Other