Litoiu, Marin2014-07-112014-07-112013-09-192014-07-09 spatio-temporal applications play a key role in many mission critical fields, including Business Intelligence, Traffic Management and Disaster Management. They are characterized by high data volume, velocity and large and variable number of mobile users. The design and implementation of these applications should not only consider this variablility, but also support other quality requirements such as performance and cost. In this thesis we propose an architecture for mobile spatio-temporal applications, which enables multiple angles of adaptivity. We also introduce a two-level adaptation mechanism that ensures system performance while facilitating scalability and context-aware adaptivity. We validate the architecture and adaptation mechanisms by implementing a road quality assessment mobile application as a use case and by performing a series of experiments on cloud environment. We show that our proposed architecture can adapt at runtime and maintain service level objectives while offering cost-efficiency and robustness.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Information technologyComputer engineeringAdaptive Mechanisms for Mobile Spatio-Temporal ApplicationsElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2014-07-09Cost-efficiencyAdaptive architectureAutonomic computingCloud computingSpatio-temporal applicationsMobile applicationsTwo-level adaptation