Barta, TerezaVukov, Maya Sofia2022-12-142022-12-142022-08-242022-12-14 & Tom is a narrative short film about Rachael, a teenage girl with a crush on her church youth pastor, who leaves her small town to encounter hook-up culture at university in the big city. Rachael’s experiences come to define her relationships in unintended ways based on her newfound understanding of intimacy. The film explores some of the growing pains and loss of innocence that occur in the transition to adulthood, and the character-defining moments of a young woman’s life.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Fine artsFilm studiesWomen's studiesRachael & TomElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2022-12-14FeministAdolescentFilmFilm theoryComing-of-ageGenderMetooMasculinityReligionRuralSmall townCanadianMenippeanYouthYouth pastorChurchFaithChristianityFeminismSex positivitySexual experimentationHook-upSub-cultureUrbanUrbaniteLimeranceMissionManipulationMay-DecemberDemi-godWorshipCoolSexIntimacyIntimacy coordinatorControversialUnderageTabooRelationshipsLoveRomanceFemale gazeFemaleChristianMoralValuesPriniciplesOld-WorldTraditionalOld-schoolModernModernityBelongingIsolationAlientation