Kheraj, Sean2022-01-212022-01-212009-04-22Kheraj, Sean. “Episode 5: The Storm History of Stanley Park.” Nature’s Past: Canadian Environmental History Podcast. 22 April 2009. 2006, Vancouver’s Stanley Park was struck by an extreme windstorm event, which blew down more than ten thousand trees in the park. This was just one of a series of regular windstorms to strike the park in the twentieth century, including major storms in 1901, 1934, and 1962. The nature of windstorms in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland is incredibly complicated and the research of Wolf Read, a graduate student in the Department of Forest Sciences at UBC, will help us try to make sense of it. Also, Professor Joanna Dean from Carleton University’s Department of History tells us about the upcoming Canadian History & Environment Summer School in Ottawa.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalNature's pastBritish ColumbiaWindstromsNature's Past Episode 005: The Storm History of Stanley ParkRecording, oral