Mishra Tarc, AparnaKhan, Noah Yusuf Hassan2022-12-142022-12-142022-07-062022-12-14http://hdl.handle.net/10315/40662The present thesis develops a pedagogy that responds to the finitude of the human, as approximated by its lived technological experiences. Prominent pedagogies that espouse rhizomic metaphysical conceptions are subjected to systematic doubt to determine whether they are consistent with these experiences. Then, these experiences are examined to discern the nature of sense-making from the lens of the individual, focusing heavily on the role of cognition. The author then furnishes an enactment of sense-making through the provision of a dialogue and commentary on both sense-making and the dialogue itself. It is found that the lived technological experience suggests a shift in pedagogical development away from metaphysical suppositions that divorce themselves from the lived technological experience and toward navigational considerations which, it is argued, more accurately reflect the lived technological experience. A pedagogy of navigation is then furnished that attempts to adequately reflect the lived technological experience.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Philosophy of educationPedagogyEducational technologyPedagogies of Navigation: An Account of DifferenceElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2022-12-14Pedagogies of navigationPhilosophy of educationPedagogyRhetoricPhilosophy of differencePhilosophy of technology