Fix, Blair2025-03-112025-03-112024The American Housing Crisis: A Theft, Not a Shortage. Fix, Blair. (2024). Economics from the Top Down. 23 October. pp. 1-24. (Article - Magazine; English). mainstream economics teaches us one lesson, it’s that when something becomes unaffordable, it’s because of a shortage. And that brings me to the US housing crisis. In America, housing is getting less affordable. So there must be a short supply, right? Not necessarily. You see, shortage is not the only route to unaffordability. There’s also … theft. Here’s how it works.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalcrisisdistributionhousing affordabilitypriceUnited StatesThe American Housing Crisis: A Theft, Not a ShortageArticle