MacRae, RoderickGagliardi, Eleonora2021-10-292021-10-292021-08Major Paper Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University regions face many challenges and opportunities concerning land use planning, policy, and food planning. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these challenges. This paper outlines how some regions in peri-urban Southern Ontario are faring far better than others concerning food systems and land use planning. The paper utilizes various theoretical frameworks, interviews, personal experiences, and documents to help better understand what challenges and opportunities exist in Southern Ontario's land use planning system and food systems. This paper touches on research and work implemented in York Region and Waterloo, Ontario, prior to and during the pandemic. The goal of using these two regional municipalities is to draw attention to their success in how they have approached the food system in planning, while also addressing these challenges. Although some interventions being used in regional municipalities have had success, others need to be implemented on the provincial/federal level to create a fully resilient food system emersed in land use planning. This research paper contributes to the field of knowledge dedicated to planning for food, people, and agriculture in these regions.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Food planningFood system vulnerabilitiesLand use planningPeri-urbanCOVID19Planning for Resilient Food Systems: How COVID-19 helped to Further Expose Gaps in the Land Use Planning process and the Food SystemMajor paper