Greyson, JohnLint, Drew2023-12-082023-12-082023-12-08"Place d’Armes” is a 19-minute short film that explores the subject of chronic pain management within the structure of a narrative. The film follows Jean-Paul, a former longshoreman who has been injured at work and can no longer work at the docks. He now spends his days praying at various Catholic churches in Montreal. To make money, he works as a dancer at a strip club in the gay village. One night, a student named Scott watches him perform and pays for a private dance. This experience yields an emotional connection between Scott and Jean-Paul, which surprises them both, leading them to explore their inner lives and question the choices they have made. The film depicts a slice of Jean-Paul’s life, showing his resilience in coping with pain, and his renewed faith in the beauty of life.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Film studiesPlace d'ArmesElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2023-12-08FilmNarrativeDramaPain managementDancePerformanceMontrealCatholicismStrip clubNeorealismRealism