Fraser, GailKhan, Junaid2019-03-202019-03-202018Major Paper, Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University European fire ant, Myrmica rubra (Linneaus; Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is a species native to Europe that has an invaded regions from the palearctic to the temperate zones of United States and Canada. It is a species that expands rapidly once introduced, and has proven hard to manage within its invaded range. Understanding its current spread and impact is a key factor in limiting the species’ negative effects. In this study a combination of pitfall traps within wetland sites managed by the Credit Valley Conservation Authority (CVC), qualitative responses from a survey of naturalists and ecologists, and news reports were used to determine the current range of M. rubra within south-central Ontario. A second aspect of the study incorporated a qualitative analysis of the potential impact of M. rubra on anuran species within wetlands based on each species’ life history traits. These effects were then quantified by analyzing the changes in anuran populations on wetlands with high and low M. rubra abundances.enMyrmica rubraEuropean fire antCredit Valley Conservation AuthorityIntroduced organisms--OntarioThe Impact and Spread of the European Fire Ant, Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in south-Central OntarioMajor paper