Derayeh, Minoo2016-08-032016-08-032013-01 comprehensive study aims to situate and contextualize the meaning of the public sphere in Muslim societies, especially Iran as compared with the experience of Turkey, utilizing diverse tools of inquiry in qualitative research methodology, such as critical textual analysis, early Islam historiography and historical analysis of Iran and Turkey, as well as in-depth, open-ended interviews. After setting the scene by rendering explicit certain aspects of Islamic thought and history, this study goes on to demonstrate various reflections and repercussions that such a free domain would have on the societal and, especially, legal structure of the aforementioned societies.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Public sphere in Muslim societies; its reflection on social, political thought and law case study: Iran and TurkeyElectronic Thesis or DissertationPublic sphereMuslim societiesIslamic thoughtIranTurkey