Hedayatpour, MojtabaMehrandezh, MehranJanabi-Sharifi, Farrokh2018-11-062018-11-06May-18978-1-77355-023-7http://hdl.handle.net/10315/35255http://dx.doi.org/10.25071/10315/35255This paper presents mathematical modeling for thrust force and moments generated by a propeller. In particular, the effects of freestream on propeller’s performance are investigated. We introduce some of the applications of the proposed model in modeling multi-rotor UAVs which helps to increase stability or maneuverability of the vehicle. In the end, simulation results for thrust force and moments of an example propeller in presence of a uniform freestream are presented.enThe copyright for the paper content remains with the author.ComponentPropellerAerodynamicsThrust forceUnmanned aerial vehiclesFreestreamMechatronicsRobots and ControlPropeller Performance In Presence Of FreestreamArticle