Peisachovich, EvaDeSouza, JosephDe Val, Dorothy2018-11-212018-11-212018-08-032018-11-21 project is a multiple methods, open-label, clinical experiment that provided iPods, headphones, and personal, preferred music to transplant patients to improve their quality of life. In total, the study enrolled 46 participants and collected 188 data points. Study participants were randomized to one of two study groups, either the control group or the iPod group, via electronic coin toss and data was collected using a modified version of the EQ-5D health survey to conduct in-person interviews every other day. Data was analyzed both quantitatively using linear regression, ANOVA, and Tukeys HSD test, and qualitatively by identifying common themes from the open-ended participant response. Overall, the study received a positive response from the participants, though the results from the quantitative analysis were ambiguous. There are some limitations to this studys analysis and some identified areas for improvement, which can be addressed in similar, future studies.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.MusicTransplantation and Personal, Preferred Music: A Quality of Life StudyElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2018-11-21IpodMusicPreferred musicPersonal musicTransplantQuality of life