Ehrlich, Susan L.2015-12-162015-12-162015-08-192015-12-16 thesis uses multiple analytic categories drawn from the literature to identify discursive strategies used in online comment sections that function to undermine feminism. The work has two purposes: to provide a qualitative, critical discourse analysis of anti-feminist discourse in asynchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC), and to describe the ways in which the frameworks drawn from the literature complement one another in the analysis. This is done by analyzing comments from several North American websites, and describing occurrences of anti-feminist discursive strategies in terms of individual occurrences, and as they intersect with one another. Previous research has shown that the ability to identify anti-feminist discursive strategies allows feminists to resist silencing. Thus, in addition to adding to the literature on anti-feminist discursive strategies and asynchronous CMC, it is my hope that this work may be useful in denaturalizing and demystifying these strategies.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.LinguisticsA Qualitative Study of Anti-Feminist Discursive Strategies in Online Comment SectionsElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2015-12-16co-optationredefinitiontranslationincorporationdisavowalpostfeminismonline cultureinternetsemantic reversaloppressionanti-feminismchange in meaningcomment sectionsyoutubenewspaper websitesdiscourse analysisfeminist critical discourse analysis