Aklilu, Y.Mozurkewich, M.Prenni, A.J.Kreidenweis, S.M.Alfarra, M.R.Allan, J.D.Anlauf, K.Brook, J.Leaitch, W.R.Sharma, S.Boudries, H.Worsnop, D.R.2010-06-212010-06-212006Atmos. Environ., 40(15) 2650-2661http://hdl.handle.net/10315/4259Hygroscopicity of particles was measured at Langley (rural) and Eagle Ridge (semi-rural) as part of the Pacific 2001 field campaign. The measured growth factors at the two sites were comparable. However, differences in particle composition as measured by an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer were evident at these two sites. Sulphate mass concentration was found to be similar at the two sites, while higher nitrate and organic mass were observed at Eagle Ridge. Higher growth factors were observed when the air mass was impacted by SO2 sources, while lower growth factors were observed when the air mass was affected by urban emissions. To examine the hygroscopic role of the different particle components, expected growth factors were calculated from the composition data and compared to measured growth factors. Calculations were done using the Zdanovskii, Stokes and Robinson (ZSR) mixing rule. Sulphate fraction played a dominant role in particle hygroscopicity at both sites. Calculated growth factors were within the uncertainty of the measurements, except when the nitrate fraction was high. The results imply that particulate nitrate takes up much less water than ammonium nitrate, indicating that the ZSR mixing rule fails for nitrate. Small variations of organic growth factors with source regions suggest that secondary organic matter is more hygroscopic than primary organic matter.enHygroscopic propertiesGrowth factorParticle organic matterParticle compositionField studiesHygroscopicity of particles at two rural, urban influenced sites during Pacific 2001: Comparison with estimates of water uptake from particle compositionArticlehttp://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/246/description#description