McKinnon, LauraBrown, Taylor Marie2020-05-112020-05-112019-092020-05-11 predation risk increases at lower latitudes, and some shorebirds nesting at the southernmost limits of their ranges in Churchill, Manitoba tend to experience lower nest success than those at other Arctic sites. This study investigates whether proximity to human settlement affects predation risk, predator abundance and shorebird daily nest survival near Churchill by measuring these variables at varying distances from town. Camera traps at nests confirmed that foxes were important nest predators. A nests distance to town was negatively correlated with its distance to the nearest fox den. Predation risk decreased as distances from fox dens and Parasitic Jaeger nests increased, and at high abundances of avian predators. Shorebird daily nest survival tended to be lower near fox dens and higher with a camera present. Overall, these results suggest that shorebirds may benefit from proximity to town due to reduced fox denning activity close to town.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.EcologyInvestigating Indirect Anthropogenic Effects on Spatial Variation in Nest Predation Risk and Shorebird Nest Success in Churchill, ManitobaElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2020-05-11AvianEcologyPredatorPreyAnthropogenicShorebirdArtificial nestArtificial nest experimentPredator-prey relationshipNest survivalPloverWhimbrelSandpiperDunlinGodwitDowitcherArctic foxParasitic jaegerDietEggCamera trapSubarcticArcticRed foxDSRDaily nest survivalHumanSettlementHudson bayBreedingIncubationTemperature loggerHatchPredation rateDenSurveyHerring gullCommon ravenSandhill crane