Perkins, Patricia E. (Ellie)2020-03-092020-03-092009“Pedagogies of resistance: community-based education for women’s participation in watershed management in São Paulo, Brazil.” Canadian Woman Studies, special issue on Women in Latin America, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 107-1110713-3235 and community-based education and organizing are fundamental to creating the conditions for equitable democratic participation by women and marginalized people. This paper overviews recent Brazilian initiatives which develop such “pedagogies of resistance,” focusing on watershed decision-making.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaCommunity based environmentCommunity-based educationPedagogies of resistanceWatershedDemocratic processBrazilGlobalWomen participation in watershedPedagogies of resistance: community-based education for women’s participation in watershed management in São Paulo, BrazilInanna PublicationsPreprint