2017-05-172017-05-17c1960https://www.library.yorku.ca/find/Record/3669457http://hdl.handle.net/10315/33116Gift of Dr. Mary Jane Esplen.Vide Press - "What is best described as a philosophy song, is now being sung and whistled by the troops as they march along. We believe that it will become overwhelmingly popular" [note]Reprint from Chappell, printing date unknown [note]Piano vocal [instrumentation]Private Perks is a funny little codger [first line]Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag and smile, smile, smile [first line of chorus]G [key]Tempo di marcia [tempo]Popular song [form/genre]Decorative [illustration]Gordon V. Thompson Limited, 29 Birch Ave., Toronto ; Price in Canada [dealer stamp]Publisher's advertisement on back cover [note]4 pages of music ; 23 X 30 cm.enPack up your troubles in your old kit-bag and smile, smile, smileSheet Music2017-05-09