Bell, Chris M.Main, Kelley2015-05-212015-05-212008Bell, C. M., & Main, K. J. (2011).Deonance and distrust: Motivated third party information seeking following disclosure of an agent’s unethical behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 102(1), 77-96. automatic attention to injustices and untrustworthy people has the potential to distract us from more relevant concerns. It can make us overly cautious and wary of risk-taking. It can even cause errors in decision-making. There could be a negative impact on our surroundings when we focus on untrustworthy people as a result of second- or third-hand information.Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 CanadaPsychologyBusinessUntrustworthy People Grab Our Attention - Whether We Want Them to or NotResearch Summary