Elmes, Barry2015-01-262015-01-262014-06-192015-01-26http://hdl.handle.net/10315/28210This thesis will discuss the music of Bob Brookmeyer and his influence upon contemporary composers and arrangers of large ensemble works. Through analysis I will discuss the innovative concepts and approaches that are within his own compositions and that are apparent in later works by other composers. The focus of the discussion will elaborate on his innovations within the areas of orchestration, form, harmonic devices and rhythm. I will discuss how these innovations changed the course of composition and would inspire future composers to embrace, further innovate and expand upon his ideologies. This thesis will also discuss the affect and direct influence on three present day composers that were under Bob Brookmeyer’s tutelage. Through analysis and comparison I will document the differences and similarities that each of these composers exhibit to Brookmeyer’s works. Finally I will analyze a large ensemble composition of my own to further investigate Brookmeyer’s influence.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.MusicThe Music of Bob Brookmeyer and his influence Upon Contemporary Composers and Arrangers of Large Ensemble WorksElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2015-01-26Maria SchneiderBob BrookmeyerBig bandLarge ensembleJim McNeely