Weiss, JonathanWingsiong, ArandaLunsky, Yona2014-10-162014-10-162014-11Weiss, J. A., Wingsiong, A., & Lunsky, Y. (2014). Defining crisis in families of individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Autism, 18(8), 985-995.http://hdl.handle.net/10315/27973DOI: 10.1177/1362361313508024Parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder often report higher levels of depression, anxiety, and mental health–related issues. The combination of stressors and family adjustment difficulties can cause distress which may develop into a crisis. Understanding crisis in the family is important to mental health practice since it can serve as a guide in delivering service to at-risk families. This study investigated the subjective experience of crisis in 155 mothers of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Thematic analysis revealed that crisis is characterized by factors influencing four major areas: demands, internal capabilities, external resources, and subjective appraisal. Understanding what crisis means to families of individuals with autism spectrum disorder can help inform effective preventative and crisis services.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaAutism Spectrum Disordercrisisfamilyqualitative studyDefining crisis in families of individuals with autism spectrum disordersArticlehttp://aut.sagepub.com/http://www.sagepub.com/home.navhttp://aut.sagepub.com/content/18/8/985