Munscher, Eric C.Butterfield, Brian P.Carstairs, SueDupuis-Desormeaux, MarcMunscher, JessicaOsborne, WayneHauge, Brian2020-04-292020-04-292015-12IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 22.4 (2015): 173–177. turtle head immobilization tool (THIS) is an efficient and cost effective tool to aid in the processing of large, aggressive turtles such as the Eastern Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina). THIS aids in the reduction of aggressive behaviors by calming the animal during processing and minimizing injuries to the turtle and handlers. This simple tool also streamlines the processing itself, by allowing researchers to focus on measurements and markings, instead of having to maintain the constant vigilance often needed to work safely around these animals.ensnapping turtleheadimmobilizationsafetyprocessingThe Turtle Head Immobilization System (THIS): A Tool for Faster and Safer Handling and Processing of Aggressive Turtle SpeciesArticle