Semple, Noel2015-05-212015-05-212010Semple, N. (2007). Network neutrality: Justifiable discrimination, unjustifiable discrimination, and the bright line between them. Canadian Journal of Law and Technology, 6(3), 163. is required in order to protect network neutrality. That is, the freedom of the internet from unreasonable restrictions. The current Telecommunications Act and CRTC policies are too vague. Internet pricing should address congestion problems caused by heavy-use consumers. If an IIP system is introduced, then customers can be charged for their internet service based on the impact of their usage on the network. The Telecommunications Act should also introduce a consumer education program. This would be in order to inform the public about internet pricing.Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 CanadaLawFinanceScience and TechnologyInternet Users Should Only Pay for the Actual Demands Which They Place on Internet Service ProvidersResearch Summary