Lehrer, UteRoberton, Christopher2021-06-252021-06-252020Major Paper, Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York Universityhttp://hdl.handle.net/10315/38380This Major Project’s goal was to centralize and organize affordable housing related data in efforts to aid housing advocates in the City of Toronto in their battle for stronger measures to produce and protect the little affordable housing that exists in our municipalities. The project was the creation of a website that had four components: (1) a database of literature, both academic and grey, related to affordable housing; (2) a municipal scan of policies related to the preservation and production of affordable housing in eleven of North America’s least affordable cities; (3) a centralized calendar of events in relation to the preservation and production of affordable housing; (4) a directory of community organizations advocating for affordable housing currently operating in Toronto.enNeoliberalismAffordable housingCondoificationFinancializationSecondary circuit of capitalDualist housing policyCapitalist stateGentrificationHomeownership ideologyThe Affordable Housing Community Hub The Major Project ReportMajor project