Mamazhakypova Zhumanazarovna, Anara2010-04-132010-04-132009Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Onomastic Sciences978-1-55014-521-2 paper deals with some of the main peculiarities of modern Kyrgyz personal names, such as inner meaning or motivation of the act of naming, which gives categorical information on gender, culture, history, traditions and stereotypical associations of the Kyrgyz people. It corresponds to the proposition, in which some elements get an explication in the name as a basis and attribute of the name. There are some important issues in the motivation stage of Kyrgyz personal names, in recent trends in Kyrgyz personal name formation and rhyming (harmony) in Kyrgyz personal names, as well as in the traditions, innovations and unique creativity in naming. All of the above mentioned factors and the content richness of Kyrgyz personal names are reflected in the structural complexity which is explained by the anthroponymic components, formants and elements, occurring in one-, two- and three-component anthroponyms.enThe following articles are © 2009 with the individual authors. They are made available free of charge from this page as a service to the community under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivative Works license version 3.0. For full details go to Code and Personal NamesKrygyz Personal NamesKyrgyz Personal Names as Units of Cultural CodeSession PaperArticle