Majekodunmi, NordaDermody, Kelly2011-02-192011-02-192011-03Library Hi Tech 29.1 (2011)Library Hi Tech 29.1 (2011)0737-8831 paper provides insights on the information seeking behaviour of students with print disabilities as well as the barriers encountered while navigating online databases using screen reading software.The purpose of this paper is to present findings of a study which examined the searching experience of university students with a print disability and their use of screen reading software to navigate three proprietary databases.enI/We assert my/our moral rights to be identified as the author/s of the Work, in accordance with Sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. I/We acknowledge that Emerald will ensure fair and faithful representation of my/our Work in all media and will take the necessary steps to protect the Work from unlawful copying.Database DesignScreen ReadersCanadaInformation LiteracyDisabilityOn-line databases and the research experience for university students with print disabilitiesArticle