2016-10-262016-10-261910https://www.library.yorku.ca/find/Record/3623954http://hdl.handle.net/10315/32502Gift of Dr. Mary Jane Esplen.Piano vocal [instrumentation]They talk of things [first line]For he's the King [first line of chorus]E flat [key]Marcia [tempo]Popular song [form/genre]People riding plane, boat, car and bicycle ; That Girl Quartette (photograph) [illustration]EH Pfeiffer [graphic artist]J. E. Keenleyside & Son 239 Dundas St., London, Ont. [dealer stamp]Publisher's advertisement on inside front and back cover [note]7 pages of music ; 26 X 35 cm.enMotor King<resourceType xmlns="http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-3" resourceTypeGeneral="Other">Sheet Music</resourceType><date xmlns="http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-3" dateType="Updated">2016-10-13</date>