Medghalchi, MaryamAshgriz, Nasser2018-11-072018-11-07May-18978-1-77355-023-7 presented at 2018 Canadian Society of Mechanical Enginees International Congress, 27-30 May 2018.Impingement of a gas jet on a suspended water droplet is modeled numerically. The jet velocity and jet diameter effects on the penetration length and the shape of the gas tunnel inside the droplet are studied. The gas tunnel inside the droplet is smaller on the windward and larger on the leeward of the droplet. Different types of breakup processes are identified and categorized according to jet to droplet diameter ratio, as well as the droplet Weber number.enThe copyright for the paper content remains with the author.Fluid MechanicsDroplet breakupFragmentationJetA Droplet Deformation And Fragmentation In A High Speed Air JetArticle