Armstrong, Eric2019-07-022019-07-022019-03-012019-07-02 document is an investigation of my artistic challenge while performing in Will Enos Middletown. Through textual research and physical exploration in the studio, I have become aware of my habitual patterns which restrict access to my optimal state of performance. This state, or flow, feels effortless and encourages my commitment to the work with minimal awareness of self-conscious reactions. Thus my artistic challenge will be explored through research, studio rehearsal and performances of six characters in Middletown, which include: Prologue, Male Tourist, Ground Control, Man, Male Doctor and Janitor.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Physiological psychologyExploring the Optimal State in Will Eno's "Middletown"Electronic Thesis or Dissertation2019-07-02theatreactingplaywill enomiddletownperformance artthesisdissertationoptimal stateaccessing playstagedramacomedyfine artsmastersmaster of fine artscontemporarymodern20102019movementvoicepsychologyhabittechniquereflectionartistartistic challenge