Wojtowicz, MagdalenaRoberts, Samantha Dawn2020-11-132020-11-132020-082020-11-13http://hdl.handle.net/10315/37917Youth sport participation positively influences the development of many Canadian children who engage in sports. However, there is growing concern about the risk of sustaining a concussion. In Canada, there is a limited understanding of the level of knowledge and associated attitudes about pediatric sport-related concussion reporting and management among parents, and it is unclear what factors may influence parental attitudes and knowledge. This study aims to better understand parental knowledge and attitudes of pediatric sport-related concussions, as well as understand how parental and child biopsychosocial factors may influence parental knowledge and attitudes. Ninety families (140 children) were included in the study. Parents scored an average of 76% accuracy on factual concussion knowledge, with parents reporting 74% confidence in their responses. Parents endorsed a favorable attitude towards concussion reporting and management. Social risk status (SRS) influenced perceived knowledge scores (F(2,72)= 6.34, p=.003). Parents with low SRS had higher perceived accuracy of knowledge than families in medium or high SRS. SRS also influenced over and under estimations of parent factual knowledge (2(4) = 9.80, p=.04, Crammers V= .26). Younger age of when the child first began sports was associated with greater concussion knowledge, and the level of sport contact the child participated in influenced the level of parental perceived concussion knowledge. Lastly, positive concussion history of the child influenced more positive parent attitudes about concussion reporting and management (t(117)= 2.05, p=.04, d= .49). This study helps identify gaps in parental concussion knowledge and may help inform knowledge translation platforms and policies.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Clinical psychologyUnderstanding Parental Knowledge of and Attitudes towards Youth Sport-Related ConcussionElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2020-11-13Parent KnowledgeAttitudesSport-related ConcussionYouth SportPerceived KnowledgeDiscrepancyConcussionClinical PsychologyPsychologySports Psychology