Sloniowski, LisaRyan, PattiWilliams, Mita2014-01-102014-01-102013Urban Library Journal. 19.1 (2013).Urban Library Journal. 19.1 (2013).1944-9682 encroachments are transforming universities into edu-factories which are designed to produce servants of the state rather than engaged citizens. Academic librarians have a duty to resist the machineries of the institution. This panel will survey the revolutionary potential inherent in the open source movement, feminist porn collections, and critical information literacy.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaFeminist PornCalibreOccupy MovementCritical Information LiteracyOpen SourcePersonal LibrariesCollection DevelopmentPolitics of Knowledge ProductionLibrarianship - Political AspectsGrinding the Gears: Academic Librarians and Civic ResponsibilityArticle