Al-Hujazy, RashaCollier, Christopher2018-11-082018-11-08May-18978-1-77355-023-7 work serves as a design tool for the development of integrated terahertz time-domain spectroscopy systems with microfluidic platforms. The emission of terahertz radiation from a GaAs THz antenna is simulated. This simulation involves a semi-classical computational model with white noise effects used to control the dynamic range of the system. The maximum measurable frequency for the overall integrated system is strongly influenced by the sample thickness of the microfluidic platform and the dynamic range of the terahertz time-domain spectroscopy system.enThe copyright for the paper content remains with the author.Biomechanics and Biomedical EngineeringBiosensingMicrofluidicsTerahertzIntegration And Simulation Of Microfluidic Platforms And Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy SystemsArticle