Lau, Yam K.McCray, Kelly Todd2021-11-152021-11-152021-062021-11-15 a questioning queer lens, the Books and the Disappearing Body project will explore the impact of the authoritative archive and surveillance on the queer body through performance and elements of VR technology. The thesis support paper will emphasize aspects of physical contact including the fear of touch during the current COVID-19 pandemic and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Throughout the paper I advocate for the preservation of human touch, emphasizing the significance of the body in relation to technology. The fear is that as the global pandemic continues, accelerated technology will replace human touch.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.MultimediaBooks and the Disappearing BodyElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2021-11-15QueerTouchThe sensesCOVID-19HIV/AIDSTechnologyVRQueer archiveArchiveSurveillanceThe bodyBooksBook sculptureBook towerGuardian BoundaryPass ThroughLoss of touch