Elmer, GregNasirzadeh, Bahar2022-03-032022-03-032021-082022-03-03http://hdl.handle.net/10315/39049Consumer surveillance has intensified over time and across differing forms of consumption space and spatial arrangement, which in turn raises the question of what explains the historical changes in the modalities of consumer surveillance. Contemporary surveillance literatures focus primarily on the current phenomenon with little consideration of the historical processes upon which the changes in the scope and intensity of the modalities of consumer surveillance were made possible. My study employs Foucauldian genealogical methodology as a system of inquiry to map the historical transformation in the modalities of consumer surveillance, by utilizing archival records, across three different consumption spaces in key stages of retail development: the first regulatory public market in the Town of York during the pre-industrial period, Eatons department store in the industrial economy, and Amazon that coincided with the rise of information economy. Conversely, contemporary theories of surveillance generally approach the intensification question by focusing on the surveillance-space axis or surveillance-consumption axis, and the spatiality of consumer surveillance is reduced to Foucauldian disciplinary panopticon. Utilizing Foucaults theories of power and governmentality and his intriguing account of the role of space in the exercise of power, my genealogical project examines the intersection of surveillance-space-consumption to understand the intensification of consumer surveillance over time across the three spaces under study. In my genealogical project, I identify five key moments pertaining to differing modalities of consumer surveillance: marketization of space, standardization of consuming bodies, statistification of consumers, virtualization of consumption, and AI inhabitation in consumer spaces. My genealogical project demonstrates that spatiality and spatialization are a recurring issue in differing modalities of consumer surveillance over time. Yet, the spatial techniques have changed and become more complex to augment the scope and intensity of monitoring and gaining of new knowledge about consumers and consumption, as part of long-standing efforts to manage the unpredictable dynamics of consumer behaviour by attaining control over all aspects of consumers life.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.CommunicationA Genealogy of Consumer Surveillance: From the First Public Market to Eatons Department Store to AmazonElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2022-03-03SurveillanceGenealogyConsumer governanceSpaceSpatialitySpatial techniquesConsumptionTechnologyIntensificationInformation and communication technologiesConsumer surveillanceConsumer profilingInformation solicitationConsumerConsumer behaviourMichel FoucaultGovernmentalityPowerPublic marketEaton's Department StoreAmazonMarketization of spaceStandardization of consuming bodiesStatistification of consumersVirtualization of consumptionAI inhabitation in consumer spaces