Coghlan, MichaelRiley, Benjamin Douglas Armin2021-07-062021-07-062021-022021-07-06 thesis presents an original composition based on Gunther Schuller's term, Third Stream, which describes the organic approach of combining essential elements of both classical and jazz music (later in life, he revised this to include all world musics). This approach ideally culminates in an inextricably interwoven structure in and of itself. Therefore the two original streams, or genres, of music merge into a single 'Third Stream', of which there is a homogeneous sense of form, texture, melody, harmony and rhythm-- as opposed to a distinctly separate jazz and classical feel-- within the composition. Inspired by a plethora of classical and jazz composers and musicians alike, this composition represents an attempt to fulfill Schuller's concept of Third Stream music, while at the same time creating something unique, engaging to the listener, and personally fulfilling. The hope is to have contributed a piece of music worthy of admission to the Third Stream catalogue.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Third Stream Consciousness: A Compositional ProcessElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2021-07-06Third StreamJazzClassicalCompositionGunther SchullerChamber MusicMusic