Johnson, KirkTittoto, Micheal2018-07-122018-07-122016Major Paper, Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York UniversityMajor Project, Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University purpose of this Major Paper is to demonstrate how Net-Zero Energy will become the next best practice for energy efficiency among Canadian production home builders. A combination of ambitious climate change targets, falling solar photovoltaic prices, Provincial Building Code changes, and flexible electricity rates have created the a situation where Net-Zero Energy is no longer a far out goal but a fast approaching reality. Through examining a carefully chosen collection of relevant sources on the topic this paper will demonstrate why, how, and when Net-Zero Energy will become reality in Canada.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.The Path to Mass Market Adoption of Net-Zero Energy Homes in CanadaMajor Project2018-07-12Net Zero EnergyEnergy EfficiencyRenewable EnergyMarket TransformationHousing