Gaetz, Stephen2023-06-152023-06-152019Gaetz, Stephen. (2019). THIS is Housing First for Youth: Europe. A Program Model Guide. Toronto: Canadian Observatory on Homelessness Press.978-155014612 European Guide (2020) This new version of the HF4Y program model guide is the outcome of five years of collaboration with our European partners including FEANTSA and FEANTSA Youth (where we have supported training), Focus Ireland, Rock Trust (Scotland) and others. Over the past several years we have worked closely with the Housing First Hub in Europe to help establish HF4Y as the most comprehensive model of support for young people exiting homelessness in Europe. Currently, a number of HF4Y programs have been, or are being evaluated across Europe in Canada, providing a strong evidence base for this approach, as well as contributing to the continuous improvement of the intervention. This new version of THIS is HF4Y adapts the program model to take account of important contextual differences between Canada and Europe, and is intended to support and guide the implementation of the model more broadly.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalTHIS is Housing First for Youth: Europe. A Program Model GuideReport