Banakh, DianaTedesco, MichaelMerlihan, PatrickShort, RyanSinclair, Thomas2015-02-102015-02-102014-04-10ENVS 4520 Final Undergraduate Research Paper, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University group aims to develop a solar installation model for the York University campus that takes into consideration the limitations of installing solar photovoltaic systems on all of the building rooftops across the campus. From this model we can determine which buildings receive the highest amounts of solar radiation for one year at York. This in turn will allow us to create a table showing each buildings ability for receiving solar energy. These maps are intended to provide beneficial information for governments and/or policy leaders, ultimately encouraging the development of a solar energy system at York University (Gastli & Charabi, 2010).enClimate changeOntarioPhotovoltaic installationsSolar energyYork UniversityYork University: York Neighborhood RenewablesUndergraduate research paper