Iyer, Minakshi2018-11-272018-11-272018http://hdl.handle.net/10315/35615The subject of normalcy within critical disability studies explores the dichotomy of normal and abnormal and how this informs the way disability is discussed within society. Using a post-structural and critical approach, this research has examined the intersections between race and disability within the narratives of non-white subjects living with chronic illness. What this research reflects is a global conversation regarding the ways in which capitalism, whiteness and ability impart limitations upon participants in this study, and how community activism and friendship serve as a form of empowerment and solace while navigating these structures of dominance.enCC0 1.0 Universalcritical disability studiespost-structuralcritical approachintersectionsracedisabilitynon-white subjectschronic illnesscapitalismwhitenessAn Examination of How Dominant Notions of Normalcy Inform the Experiences of Non- White Subjects Living with Chronic IllnessResearch Paper