Basett-Gunter, RebeccaMousses, Victoria2023-12-082023-12-082023-12-08 10% of Canadians report having some form of physical disability. People with physical disabilities (PWD) accumulate more sedentary behaviour (SB) time than people without disabilities, which can have a detrimental effect on health and well-being. This was the first known study to explore the perceptions of SB messaging campaigns and messaging preferences among PWD. Participant preferences and messaging needs were identified using a qualitative approach. The social issue advertising believability model (SIABM) guided the project given that it is a useful framework for understanding persuasive messaging as a tool to change behaviour. A thematic analysis (TA) was conducted. The results of this work will inform recommendations for national health promotion agencies (i.e., ParticipACTION) such that they are guided in developing SB messages that are inclusive of PWD.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Health educationExploring Perceptions of Sedentary Behaviour Messaging Among the Disability CommunityElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2023-12-08Sedentary behaviourSedentary lifestyleSedentary timePhysical activityPhysical disabilitiesParticipACTIONInclusive messagingSocial issue advertising believability model