Zeidi, MahdiKim, Chun Il2018-11-062018-11-06May-18978-1-77355-023-7http://hdl.handle.net/10315/35267http://dx.doi.org/10.25071/10315/35267A model for the deformation of an elastic solid reinforced by embedded fibers is presented in which elastic resistance of the fibers to bending is incorporated. We developed the equilibrium equations and necessary boundary conditions, Within the framework of strain-gradient elasticity, which describe the finite plane deformations of fiber-reinforced composite materials. The resulting nonlinear coupled 4th order partial differential equations are numerically solved by using the FEM. Within the limitation of superposed incremental deformations, a complete analytical solution is also obtained.enThe copyright for the paper content remains with the authorElasticityStrain gradient theoryFiber-reinforced materialsFlexureSuperimposed incremental deformationsFinite element methodFinite plane deformationsComputational MechanicsEngineering Analysis & DesignMaterials TechnologyMechanical Engineering EducationGradient Elasticity Modelling For The Analysis Of Fiber Composites With Fiber Resistant To FlexureArticle