Amirfazli, AlidadMozafari, Ali2020-08-112020-08-112020-012020-08-11 impact has been studied mostly for systems that are rough, porous, or deformable. Limited research on drop impact onto fabrics is available. Here, drop impact on fabrics is studied to understand whether fabrics features can change the dynamics of droplet. This study is done to develop a model to describe drop impact on fabrics. Five different woven fabrics are examined at different tensions. High speed images of the phenomena are analyzed to study spreading shape of droplet and measure its maximum diameter. Higher waviness (key factor) of fabric results in decrease in maximum spreading of droplet. Most part of the initial energy of droplet will be transformed to the surface energy of droplet at maximum spreading. Also, due to small fabric deflection and small void size, droplet behavior does not change drastically by changing fabric tension or void size and the energy loss of the droplet is not considerable.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.EngineeringDrop Impact on FabricsElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2020-08-11Drop impactFabricFluid