Soennecken, Dagmar2017-05-162017-05-162014"Shifting Back and Up: The European Turn in Canadian Refugee Policy,” Comparative Migration Studies vol. 2 no. 1 (2014) 102-122.2214-594X the last decade, Canada’s immigration and citizenship policies have been radically transformed. Hardly any aspect has been left untouched. That humanitarian migration has also been restricted and transformed has generally been linked to the worldwide “securitization” of migration. This paper argues that the timing and character of a number of key changes also represent a European turn of Canada’s refugee policy, which has seen Canada change from a policy innovator and humanitarian leader to a student, follower and adaptor of a key set of restrictionist asylum policies practiced in Europe.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaShifting Back and Up: The European Turn in Canadian Refugee PolicyArticle 10.5117/CMS2014.1.SOEN