Bramwell, Ellen S.2010-03-112010-03-112009Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Onomastic Sciences978-1-55014-521-2 traditions arise as products of the culture in which they are used. This research asks the question: what happens when these traditions are transplanted into a society with different naming conventions? The focus of this investigation is on personal naming practices used in immigrant communities in Scotland. One established and one very new immigrant group were studied, and the different methods necessary to gain access to such subjects are examined in this discussion.enThe following articles are © 2009 with the individual authors. They are made available free of charge from this page as a service to the community under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivative Works license version 3.0. For full details go to Names in ScotlandMulti-Cultural NamesNames in Multi-Cultural ScotlandSession PaperArticle