MacLennan, Anne2015-12-162015-12-162015-08-272015-12-16 on interviews with individuals with mobility disabilities, this thesis argues the lack of mainstream clothing available and the geriatric style of clothing often associated with physical disability is largely a result of the embedded notion that disability is a problem to be solved by the individual – a perspective influenced by the medical sociology of disability. As appearance plays a role in interactions, the stereotypes surrounding physical disability are perpetuated by an appearance that cannot be changed due to the absence of clothing one might desire to wear.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.SociologyDesignLeft Out: A Revealing Look Into the Everyday Fashion Choices of Individuals With Mobility DisabilitiesElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2015-12-16physical disabilityclothingfashionappearancestereotypesaffectoppressionclothing designdaily practice of getting dressedcreation of selfinteractionable/disablestanding bodybody ideals