Zatzman, Belarie HymanConnelly, Sharon Melanie Dawn Haynes2019-11-222019-11-222019-052019-11-22 a world of rapidly changing demographics combined with growing global nationalism and increased connectivity, educators are forced to reconsider many previously held assumptions. This study proposes an innovative approach to drama education, which responds to these challenges. This response is Ethno-Drama, a model I have created to differentiate my pedagogical method from others, and which enables students of diverse backgrounds to explore the interplay of life and art. This exploration of self, other, and the world around them is conducted equitably in a mentorship relationship with their teacher that is an ongoing learning journey. I present a review of literature on drama education from which I identify four main pedagogical categories that I use to present a clear analysis of Ethno-Drama. Ethno-Drama also responds to a pressing need in contemporary education by providing both student and teacher an exciting vehicle, which elicits that continuing thirst for knowledge and self-reflection.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Art educationDrama is Life! Exploring Ethno-Drama as a Model for Designing a 21st Century Secondary Drama CurriculumElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2019-11-22Arts EducationArtistic ExpressionAssessment and EvaluationCollaborative InquiryCommunityCreative ProcessCross CurricularCultural CapitalCultural ResponsivenessCultural ProficiencyCurriculum DesignDescriptive FeedbackDramaDrama EducationEthnodramaEthnographyEthno-DramaEquityFacilitationInclusive EducationInclusive DesignInterdisciplinaryLeadership​Learning GoalsMentorshipModern LearnersMoral EducationProductsProfessional LearningProject-Based LearningShared LeadershipSocial CapitalSocial Justice​STEAMSTEMStudent Centered LearningStudent LeadershipStudent VoiceSuccess CriteriaTeaching and LearningTheatreTheatre EducationTheory and PracticeTriangulationTwenty-First Century LearningUniversal Design.